
What is Limited-Time Offer (LTO) Pricing in SaaS?

发布时间: 2024年8月29日

最后更新: 11月 26, 2024


What is limited-time offer (LTO) pricing in SaaS?



How can LTOs drive subscription revenue for SaaS companies?

以下是基于订阅的 SaaS 企业通过限时优惠 (LTO) 方法增加收入的四种方式:

  • 客户获取:限时优惠可以激励潜在客户选择付费计划。
  • 收入:限时折扣可以产生订阅收入。
  • 升级潜力: 限时优惠鼓励客户切换到高级计划。
  • Renewed interest: Limited-time promotions can make customers return to your brand.
Pro Tip

Consider combining LTOs with other advertising, SaaS pricing tactics, and sales strategies

What are the pros and cons of using LTOs for SaaS products?

以下是限时优惠 (LTO) 对 SaaS 产品提供的优势和劣势:


  • 限时折扣可以为 SaaS 企业提供快速的 客户获取 流程。
  • 限时优惠可以影响短期收入。
  • SaaS 企业可以使用降价来展示高级套餐。


  • LTOs can negatively impact your brand.
  • Promotions may atrract customers that can later on churn.

When is it appropriate to offer limited-time discounts for SaaS subscriptions?

SaaS subscriptions should consider LTOs in the following situations:

  • Product Launches: 限时优惠可以激发客户的兴趣。
  • 淡季时段:限时优惠可以在销售淡季影响需求。
  • 目标客户获取:SaaS公司可以个性化促销活动,以适应不同地区的需求。
  • 竞争激烈的市场:您可以使用限时优惠 (LTO) 来展示您的产品。 


以下是为您的 SaaS 业务创建有效的限时优惠活动的五个步骤:

  1. 第一步:设定您的业务目标。无论是新用户还是升级,请明确定义您希望通过开展限时优惠活动获得什么。
  2. Step Two:保持您的促销活动简单易懂,方便您的目标受众理解。
  3. Step Three: Set a clear time limit and emphasize it to create the fear of missing out.
  4. 第四步: Appy your discount to the customer segment you feel would be more receptive to it.
  5. Step Five: Utilize different marketing channels to promote your campaign and reach users.
Pro Tip

Instead of promotions, you can consider value-adds as a limited-time offer. Offer a free trial extension or exclusive bonus features.


Limited-time offers should be part of any SaaS business pricing approach. As long as they are correctly applied, LTOs can help companies acquire customers using limited resources. 


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