按地区划分的税率 Louisiana

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Louisiana SaaS Sales Tax: An Overview

In Louisiana, the current sales tax rate for SaaS and other digital services sits at 4.5%. With ongoing discussions surrounding potential tax reforms to address fiscal challenges, staying informed about any future changes is crucial for businesses. As of today, the state does not maintain a reduced VAT rate or exempt specific categories of products or services from the tax. Therefore, understanding your exact obligations and navigating the compliance landscape is essential for smooth operations.



Louisiana’s sales tax remains at 4.45%, with ongoing discussions about tax reform to address budget shortfalls and improve fiscal stability.

Official government link: Louisiana Department of Revenue


E-products and services VAT/Sales tax rate

Reverse charge mechanism for B2B sales

Not applicable in the US

Tax ID validation required


When do you have to register

If you exceed $100,000 in sales.



Local representative needed



Register with the Louisiana Department of Revenue to obtain a sales tax account number.
File Form CIFT-620 (Louisiana Corporation Income and Franchise Tax Return) if earning Louisiana-source income.
Appoint a Louisiana registered agent if necessary

List of digital and electronic services liable for tax

SaaS, video games, digital products


5% of unpaid tax for each month, max 25% (Late Filing); 10% of unpaid tax after 30 days (Late Payment)

Registration threshold


Filing interval

Monthly, Quarterly, or Annually

Filing deadline

20th of the month

E-invoicing requirements





0% – 7%


Louisiana Sales Tax Compliance: Monthly Filing and Record Keeping Essentials

Managing state-level sales tax compliance can be intricate, and Louisiana is no exception. Businesses must adhere to the established filing frequency, which is monthly. This means that companies are required to submit their VAT returns and make the corresponding payments every month. Furthermore, the deadline for these payments is the 20th of each month. To ensure compliance with record-keeping requirements, businesses must retain income tax returns and supporting documentation for a minimum of three years and ideally for seven years.


Louisiana E-invoicing and Tax Professional Insights

While Louisiana does not currently have a state-wide e-invoicing mandate, staying abreast of any developments in this area is advisable. Electronic invoicing offers numerous benefits, including enhanced efficiency, reduced costs, and improved accuracy. Moreover, consulting with tax professionals can provide valuable guidance and help you navigate the intricacies of Louisiana’s SaaS sales tax landscape. Partnering with experienced professionals can ensure you remain compliant and optimize your tax strategy.


