按地区划分的税率 Texas

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SaaS businesses operating in Texas are subject to a sales tax, but unlike some states, Texas has no state income tax. Instead, Texas relies heavily on sales tax and property taxes to generate revenue. This makes it an attractive destination for businesses seeking lower tax burdens. The standard sales tax rate in Texas is 6.3%, which applies to most goods and services, including SaaS. However, there are several local jurisdictions within the state that are permitted to implement additional local taxes. As a result, the effective tax rate for SaaS can vary depending on the specific location within Texas. In addition to the state and local sales taxes, SaaS businesses may also need to collect and remit taxes based on the destination of their services. This is known as “use tax.” This additional tax liability can add complexity for SaaS providers, as they need to track the location of their customers and determine applicable tax rates.



Texas has no state income tax, relying on sales tax and property taxes to fund state operations, making it a popular destination for businesses and individuals.

Official government link: Texas Taxes


E-products and services VAT/Sales tax rate

Reverse charge mechanism for B2B sales

Not applicable in the US

Tax ID validation required


When do you have to register

If you exceed $500,000 in sales.



Local representative needed



Register with the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts to obtain a sales tax permit.
File Form 05-158 (Texas Franchise Tax Public Information Report) if earning Texas-source income.
Appoint a Texas registered agent if necessary

List of digital and electronic services liable for tax

SaaS, video games, digital products


5% for 1-30 days late, 10% after 30 days (Late Filing); 10% of unpaid tax after 30 days (Late Payment)

Registration threshold


Filing interval

Monthly, Quarterly, or Annually

Filing deadline

20th of the month

E-invoicing requirements



No state income tax: N/A


0% – 2%


Texas businesses must comply with a number of rules when it comes to collecting and remitting sales tax on SaaS. First, they need to register for a sales tax permit with the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. Once registered, businesses must begin collecting sales tax on all taxable transactions. This includes charging the appropriate tax rate and issuing invoices that clearly show the amount of tax collected. Businesses are also responsible for filing sales tax returns with the Comptroller on a regular basis. The filing frequency depends on the business’s tax liability. Those with larger tax liabilities may be required to file monthly, while others may file quarterly or annually.


There are a few ways that SaaS businesses can manage their sales tax compliance in Texas more effectively. First, businesses can consider automating their tax processes. This can be done through the use of accounting software or other tax compliance tools. Automation can help businesses to accurately calculate and collect sales tax, as well as generate the required reports. Second, businesses can work with a tax advisor. This can be especially helpful for businesses that have complex tax situations. Tax advisors can provide businesses with expert advice and help them to ensure compliance with all applicable tax regulations.


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