发布时间: 2024年11月20日
最后更新: 11月 26, 2024
An Agile team refers to a structured group of developers, a number of which are multifunctional, and its main role is to generate customer value with the help of iterative and incremental activities. Every member has the responsibility to ensure the success of the team by managing the product roadmap, prioritizing the backlog, and delivering quality.
- Scrum Master 维护敏捷流程,确保团队遵循 Scrum,并消除前进的障碍。
- 产品负责人是客户的代表,管理产品待办事项,并确保团队生产正确的产品。
- 开发团队成员需要在称为冲刺的短时间内,产出符合敏捷规范的可工作产品。
How can product managers contribute to Agile transformation and enterprise transformation?
Product managers have the most crucial role in Agile and enterprise transformation as they enable a product vision into business value, reflecting on business strategy and understanding customer needs. Their duties involve creating plans for the future, focusing on customer needs, understanding data, and leading teams from different departments.
What are the key differences between Kanban and Scrum?
看板使用可视化看板来管理工作流程,并经常在工作过程中进行更改,而 Scrum 使用冲刺待办事项来定义每个冲刺的任务并为每个冲刺提供指导。
看板适用于需求高度不规则且不断变化的组织,因为它很容易适应新的变化,而 Scrum 在需求明确且更可预测的环境中效率更高。
A software development team using Kanban can easily adapt newly requested features in the middle of the project, and a Scrum team would have to add those into the next sprint.
When comparing Kanban and scrum systems, consider the type of project as well as the preference of the working team. Kanban is more suitable for rapid change, while Scrum structure is good for well-defined work.
The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is an organization and venture development framework that supports businesses in scaling Agile principles and practices throughout large organizations. SAFe comprises key elements like Program Increment (PI) planning, Kanban boards, and 持续交付 Pipeline.
PI planning is an event that happens in cadence to ensure that all teams and stakeholders are rightly aligned with the respective mission and vision of the firm, and Kanban boards are used to visualize the Work-In-Progress on SAFe.
SAFe is actually a complex model, and thereby, it demands a definite level of planning, training, and continuing support while it is being implemented.
Agile methodologies represent a distinct style of software development characterized by adaptability, collaboration, and customer-centricity. Therefore, whether using Scrum, Kanban, or any other Agile model, the critical feature is to find the system that will suit the team’s productivity and the specific project well. Ultimately, Agile involves adjusting project management and development methodologies to prioritize delivering the most valuable product to the market.