SaaS 指标和 KPI
发布时间: 2024年11月8日
最后更新: 11月 26, 2024
什么是 SaaS 保留率?
在给定时间范围内,继续使用您的产品或服务的客户百分比称为您的 SaaS 保留率。
对于 SaaS 公司而言,强大的保留率至关重要,因为它能降低客户获取成本,促进可持续增长,并带来可预测的经常性收入。
The number of clients at the beginning and those at the end of the measurement period (usually a month, quarter, or year) are necessary to calculate the customer retention rate.
- Determine the difference:计算期初和期末客户数量之间的差额。这就是流失客户的总数。
- 乘法和除法:要计算以百分比表示的留存率,请将差额除以初始客户群,然后将结果乘以 100。
例如: A company’s retention rate would be (95/100)*100 = 95% if it had 100 clients at the beginning and 95 at the end.
- 客户留存率:表示在一段时间内,持续选择您公司的付费客户的比例。
- 员工留存率:衡量员工在您的企业工作的时长。
What is a good SaaS retention rate?
行业、订阅时长、 客户获取成本(CAC)和收入流失是一些影响“良好”客户保留率的变量。但总的来说,更高的保留率总是更可取的。
What are some key metrics to measure your SaaS retention rate?
- 重复购买率 (RPR):此指标衡量客户重复购买的频率,对于采用交易型商业模式的公司非常重要。
- Customer Churn Rate: 此指标与客户留存率相反,计算在给定时间段内流失的客户比例。
- 客户生命周期价值 (LTV): Estimates how much money a client will bring in over the course of their association with your company.
- The Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT): Gauges how satisfied customers are with your offering.
- The Net Promoter Score (NPS): Measures how loyal your customers are and how likely they are to tell others about your company.
A high retention rate is essential for SaaS businesses. Stable recurring revenue, lower client acquisition expenses, and ongoing investment in product development and expansion are all made possible by a high retention rate.
SaaS 公司若要取得长期成功,可以专注于提升客户满意度、积极收集反馈意见,并实施积极主动的客户留存策略。