

Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) explained. This guide covers calculation, influencing factors, increasing CLTV, different types, and limitations. Learn how to maximize CLTV for your business.


The total net profit a business anticipates making from a customer over the course of their relationship is known as Customer Lifetime Value, or CLV. It represents a customer’s monetary worth to the company and is an important indicator of the long-term health of the clientele.


CLV assists businesses in determining how much money to spend on bringing in new clients and keeping hold of current ones. It’s crucial to remember that CLV is only an estimate and can differ significantly based on the sector and business style.


A crucial indicator known as lifetime value (LTV) measures the total amount of money a company may anticipate making from a single client, good, or service over the course of that customer’s lifetime.



  • 顧客生涯価値 (CLV): 企業が顧客との契約期間中に、単一の顧客から得られると予想される総金額。
  • 製品ライフタイムバリュー (PLV): 企業が製品の全存続期間中に、単一の製品から得られると予想される総金額。
  • サービスライフタイムバリュー (SLV): 企業がサービスの全存続期間中に、単一のサービスから得られると予想される総金額。


Businesses can obtain important insights into their clientele, product line, and service offerings by comprehending and utilizing LTV concepts. This information can potentially influence profitability and long-term success, but it will require careful consideration. 

How is Lifetime Value (CLV) calculated?

To calculate CLV, the most common formula used is: 


CLV = Average Order Value (AOV) x Purchase Frequency x Customer Lifespan.


Divide the total number of sales by the number of distinct consumers that purchased during the same time period to get the average buy frequency rate.


For instance, the average buy frequency would be two if a business had 500 unique clients and 1000 purchases.


More intricate CLV computations might also take into account variables like turnover rate and gross profit per customer.


顧客の行動、満足度、ロイヤルティ、エンゲージメント、購入価値、顧客の寿命、利益率、 維持率、および割引率は、CLVに影響を与える特性の一部です。






ただし、顧客の行動を正確に予測することは難しい場合があるため、CLV 計算には常にある程度の不確実性が伴うことを覚えておくことが重要です。


企業は、次の方法で CLV(顧客生涯価値)を高めることができます。

  • チェックアウトプロセスを簡素化し、顧客の要件を競合他社の要件よりも優先する
  • increasing customer satisfaction
  • implementing a customer brand loyalty plan
  • utilizing predictive models to forecast future value


Monitoring CLV indicators over time is crucial for assessing how well your client retention tactics are working. 


What are the limitations of Lifetime Value (LTV)?

A useful metric, lifetime value (LTV), is difficult to evaluate precisely because of the wide range of consumer contact channels and the presumptions it is based on. 

While LTV calculations can provide valuable insights, it’s important to acknowledge that they are estimates based on assumptions and may not always reflect reality. 

It may be alluring to reduce the calculating process to direct costs, but doing so can miss some important aspects of a client, including brand loyalty or referrals. 


As a result, while making strategic decisions, it’s imperative to use LTV carefully and take into account its limitations.  



