SaaS 指标和 KPI
什么是客户生命周期价值 (CLV)?
发布时间: 2024年11月8日
最后更新: 11月 26, 2024
什么是客户生命周期价值 (CLV)?
客户生命周期价值 (CLV) 是指企业预计从客户在其关系存续期间所获得的总净利润。它代表客户对公司的货币价值,是衡量客户长期健康状况的重要指标。
CLV 帮助企业确定在吸引新客户和留住现有客户方面应该花费多少资金。重要的是要记住,CLV 只是一个估计值,并且可能因行业和业务模式的不同而有很大差异。
What are the different types of Lifetime Value (LTV)?
生命周期价值 (LTV) 是一项关键指标,用于衡量公司在客户的整个生命周期内,预计从单个客户、商品或服务中获得的总金额。
以下是一些不同 LTV 类型的示例:
- 客户生命周期价值 (CLV):一家公司在单个客户与该公司互动的整个过程中,预计可以从该客户那里获得的全部金额。
- 产品生命周期价值 (PLV):一家公司在单个产品的整个生命周期中,预计可以从该产品那里获得的全部金额。
- Service lifetime value (SLV): The total amount of money a company might anticipate making from a single service over the course of its lifetime.
Businesses can obtain important insights into their clientele, product line, and service offerings by comprehending and utilizing LTV concepts. This information can potentially influence profitability and long-term success, but it will require careful consideration.
How is Lifetime Value (CLV) calculated?
To calculate CLV, the most common formula used is:
CLV = Average Order Value (AOV) x Purchase Frequency x Customer Lifespan.
Divide the total number of sales by the number of distinct consumers that purchased during the same time period to get the average buy frequency rate.
例如,如果一家企业有 500 个独立客户和 1000 次购买,则平均购买频率将为两次。
更复杂的客户生命周期价值 (CLV) 计算可能还会考虑诸如客户流失率和每位客户的毛利润等变量。
What factors influence Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)?
客户行为、满意度、忠诚度、参与度、购买价值、客户生命周期、利润率, 留存率以及贴现率是影响客户生命周期价值 (CLV) 的一些特征。
这些变量中的每一个都可能随着时间推移而变化,这可能会影响整体的客户生命周期价值 (CLV)。
Businesses may identify high-value clients and customize methods to foster their loyalty and optimize their potential by knowing how these aspects interact.
It’s important to remember, though, that it might be difficult to predict client behavior exactly, and thus CLV calculations will always involve some degree of uncertainty.
How can businesses increase Customer Lifetime Value?
Companies can raise CLV (customer lifetime value) by:
- 简化结账流程,并优先考虑客户的需求而非竞争对手的需求
- 提高客户满意度
- 实施客户品牌忠诚度计划
- 利用预测模型来预测未来价值
随着时间的推移监控 CLV 指标对于评估您的表现至关重要 客户保留率 tactics are working.
终身价值 (LTV) 的局限性是什么?
A useful metric, lifetime value (LTV), is difficult to evaluate precisely because of the wide range of consumer contact channels and the presumptions it is based on.