发布时间: 11 月 29, 2024
要为您的 SaaS 实施基于使用量的定价,您需要定义您的策略。虽然软件即服务领域的客户喜欢灵活性和可负担性,但我们看到的一个趋势是只为实际需求付费。本指南可能有助于设计一个符合您公司要求和客户服务目标的系统,但请务必注意,其有效性将取决于多种因素。
的基础在于 按使用量定价 将您的定价与您的价值对齐。确定一个反映您的服务所带来好处的核心价值指标。要实现这一点,您需要完全了解您的客户。考虑以下几个关键行动:
- Research your customers: Look beyond basic surveys. Use in-depth interviews and focus groups to understand the reasons behind customer actions and their perception of value.
- 分析客户行为: 利用分析工具了解客户如何与您的产品互动。他们最常使用哪些功能?哪些行为与成功的结果相关?
- 将功能与价值对应: 阐明您的功能与它们为客户带来的价值之间的联系。
- Use A/B testing on pricing variations: Experiment with different metrics and pricing tiers to understand how they affect conversion and retention rates.
- Competitor analysis: 研究您的竞争对手如何实施按使用量定价。了解他们的价值指标和定价策略,以帮助您找到自己的差异化机会。
Decide on Your Pricing Strategy
Once you’ve named your value metric, determine an appropriate pricing structure. There are many models to consider, each with its own set of considerations.
Pay-as-you-grow is a common option for startups and businesses with shifting needs. With this model, you’ll need to:
- Set a clear base price: 确定访问您的服务的最低成本以及该级别包含的功能。
- 定义递增的定价层级: 确定价格如何随着使用量的增长而增加。使用具有递增价格区间的层级方法或具有按单位价格结构的连续模型是一种典型的选择。
- 提供批量折扣: 通过为消费大量服务的客户提供折扣价来鼓励使用。
- 计算您的单位成本: 分析您的成本,以确定交付每个服务单元的价格。考虑基础设施、支持和其他运营费用。
- 设定有竞争力的价格点: Research your competitors’ pricing to be sure your per-unit price is competitive in the market.
- Communicate the value proposition: Clearly illustrate the value customers receive for each unit purchased to justify the price.
Twilio, a cloud communications platform, embodies this model by charging per SMS message or voice minute used. It does require detailed cost analysis to calculate your cost per unit, set a competitive price, and clearly articulate the value proposition to justify the price.
Another popular model is usage tiers, which places customers into different levels based on their usage patterns. To implement this, you’ll need to:
- Set clear tier boundaries: 创建特定的使用阈值,以确定客户何时升级到更高的级别。
- 在不同级别中捆绑功能: 在每个级别中展示功能和使用限制的组合,以满足不同客户的需求和预算。
- 考虑 实施订阅系统 that gives customers the option to adjust their plan configurations to align with their evolving needs.
Zapier, a workflow automation tool, uses this model to offer tiers based on the number of tasks automated per month.Define boundaries for service tiers, package features into tiers, and offer flexible upgrade/downgrade options to facilitate customers’ adjustments to service levels as their needs evolve.
选择定价策略需要评估您的业务和市场。进行SWOT分析,以确定贵公司的优势、劣势、机遇以及任何威胁,从而确定与您的整体业务战略相符的模式。此外,分析关于人口统计、行为和偏好的客户细分数据,以便 确定哪种定价模式 会对不同的客户有吸引力。最后,为了做出数据驱动的决策,使用财务工具模拟不同的定价方案,以预测每种模式下的收入和盈利能力。
1. The model employs a dedicated tool to assist with pricing calculations. When designing your structure, ensure it:
- 包含所有定价变量:整合影响定价的所有因素,例如使用量、功能、折扣和账单周期。
- 实时成本估算:计算器应在用户修改其参数时同步更新成本估算。
- 收集客户反馈和建议:以提出符合他们需求和预算的计划或级别。
2. 为了 确保账单的透明度和清晰度, provide invoices that are well-organized, detailed, and easy to comprehend..
- Itemizing usage details: break it down to show the specific usage components that contribute to the total cost.
- Providing historical usage data: include charts or graphs that show trends over time, so customers can visualize their own patterns of use.
- Offer multiple invoice formats: provide options for invoice formats (PDF, CSV) to accommodate customer preferences.
3. implement usage caps and alerts to give customers control over their spending. This should include:
- Allow customers to set their own usage limits based on their budget or operational needs.
- 通过多种渠道(如电子邮件、短信或应用内通知)提供提醒,以便客户及时收到通知。
- 允许客户在达到使用限制时配置自动操作,例如暂停服务或升级到更高层级。
为您的客户提供工具,让他们能够监控和控制自己的使用情况。 仪表盘 应该成为其中的核心部分,提供:
- 利用交互式可视化,通过使用视觉上吸引人的图表、图形和其他视觉辅助工具来呈现使用数据。
- 仪表盘为用户提供了一种选择和排列显示数据的方式。
- 数据筛选:客户可以根据日期范围、用户、项目或其他可自定义的标准筛选数据。
考虑添加功能丰富的 usage alerts system with the following attributes::
- Granular alert settings to define specific thresholds for triggering alerts.
- With prior knowledge of potential overages, customers can make necessary adjustments to their utilization patterns.
- Alert management: In the event of initial alerts being disregarded, establish a process for escalating notifications through diverse channels or to additional contacts.
Finally, provide detailed usage reports with the following features:
- 客户可以选择偏好的报告格式和详细程度。
- Implement features enabling customers to export their usage data in different formats to meet external analysis needs and integration requirements..
- 将报告定时自动发送到客户的收件箱或偏好目的地。
Automated invoicing,包括:
- 支持按比例计算,以计算在周期中开始或结束使用时部分账单周期的费用。
- 在发票到期前后自动向客户发送付款提醒。
- 与会计软件的集成可能会影响财务对账流程。
提供可自定义的账单周期 with multi-currency support and models like tiered pricing, volume discounts, and usage-based charges.
Incorporate multiple payment gateways to enable diverse payment methods. Offer support for credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, and other typical payment methods.
确保符合 PCI DSS 标准:选择符合支付卡行业数据安全标准 (PCI DSS) 的支付网关,以保护敏感的客户数据。
启用自动定期计费 适用于基于订阅的服务。
MoR 解决方案 may contribute to streamlining operational procedures and reducing administrative complexity. An MoR like PayPro Global support of all the above and can:
- Streamlining compliance processes by handling sales tax calculations, remittances, and adherence to local regulations.
- Address international complexities: Streamline global expansion by navigating local payment processing and tax regulations.
- Transferring payment and compliance responsibilities to MoR could potentially shorten the time-to-market, however, this depends on various factors such as the company’s existing expertise and the complexity of the transition.
Usage-based pricing relates costs to usage, allowing businesses and customers to adjust expenses to their needs. This document offers guidance on choosing value metrics and pricing models, enabling customer control through management tools, and utilizing efficient billing solutions. The increasing emphasis on agility and value in the SaaS landscape highlights the importance of refining your usage-based pricing strategy, which can potentially contribute to sustainable growth while fostering a customer-centric approach.