Wyoming’s unique fiscal environment, with no state income tax and reliance on mineral extraction revenues, has shaped its approach to sales tax. Businesses selling SaaS (Software as a Service) in Wyoming must navigate the state’s 4% value-added tax (VAT) on digital services, keeping in mind that specific categories may qualify for reduced rates or exemptions. While there are no state-specific e-invoicing mandates, adopting electronic invoicing can streamline compliance and enhance efficiency.

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Wyoming has no state income tax, relying on mineral extraction revenues to fund state operations, which creates a unique fiscal environment.

Official government link: Wyoming Department of Revenue


E-products and services VAT/Sales tax rate

Certain items

Reduced tax rate

Reverse charge mechanism for B2B sales

Not applicable in the US

Tax ID validation required


When do you have to register

If you exceed $100,000 in sales.

Online registration possible


Registration procedure

No state corporate income tax or sales tax.
Register with the Wyoming Secretary of State to qualify as a foreign corporation or LLC.
Appoint a Wyoming registered agent if necessary

List of digital and electronic services liable for tax

SaaS, video games, digital products


5% of unpaid tax for each month, max 25% (Late Filing); 10% of unpaid tax after 30 days (Late Payment)

Registration threshold


Filing interval

Monthly, Quarterly, or Annually

Filing deadline

Last day of the month

E-invoicing requirements

No state-wide e-invoicing mandate

Record keeping

No state income tax: N/A

Local Rate Range

0% – 4%

Effortless Subscription Management and Billing

Understanding compliance requirements is crucial for ensuring accurate VAT filings in Wyoming. Monthly, quarterly, or annual filing frequencies apply depending on the business’s total revenue, and payments are due by the last day of the month. Businesses must maintain detailed records, including invoices and receipts, for audit purposes. Consulting with tax professionals can provide valuable guidance in navigating these regulations.

Multi-currency support

Proactive management of SaaS VAT in Wyoming involves staying informed about evolving regulations and adopting best practices. Implementing electronic invoicing can improve efficiency and transparency, while partnering with tax experts ensures accurate compliance and helps avoid penalties. Understanding customer location and its impact on VAT obligations is also essential for businesses selling across state lines.

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