What are SaaS Budgeting and Cost Control in SaaS?
发布时间: 2024年9月16日
最后更新: 11月 26, 2024
SaaS 中的预算和成本控制是什么?
Budgeting in SaaS is the coordinated planning and allocation of financial resources to achieve business objectives.
This is especially key for new SaaS (software-as-a-service) companies because they need to keep track of what goes where, especially when working with limited or excess funding.
Pro Tip: SaaS预算模板有助于将资金分配给所有项目。您可以使用SaaS管理平台或软件来跟踪您的支出并优化资源以实现利润。
SaaS 预算的关键组成部分是什么?
- Revenue: 根据订阅定价、客户群和客户流失率预测您的收入范围。
- 客户获取成本: CAC涉及营销、销售或客户入职的相关成本。
- Product Development: 您的大部分预算将用于聘请软件工程师、产品设计师以及构建软件所需的工具。
- 客户支持: 必须考虑员工工资、帮助台工具的成本以及其他客户关系维护费用。
- 运营成本: 根据您的具体情况,您必须将租金、水电费、法律和管理费用以及其他运营业务的成本考虑在内。
What are the methods of cost control?
- Regularly audit subscriptions: Consider removing unused and underused SaaS subscriptions or negotiating terms of renewal.
- Optimize cloud storage: Estimate your cloud storage needs to avoid paying for cloud capacity that far exceeds your requirements.
- 利用自动化: 使用工具自动化重复性任务,以便员工可以专注于其他运营。
- 协商供应商合同: 在合同续签期间与供应商谈判,以获得服务优惠。 SaaS 首席财务官 generally overview this aspect.
How do you identify unnecessary SaaS costs?
Here are some steps to consider:
- Track software usage: Study usage data to know which tools are essential and which can be done without.
- Survey your team: 利用员工反馈来了解他们经常使用哪些工具,以及哪些工具是非必要的。
- 设定使用基准: 如果您掌握了竞争对手的数据,请将您的SaaS支出与他们的支出进行比较,并利用这些见解来减少过度支出。
SaaS 中的 40 法则是什么?
The rule of 40 in SaaS states that the combined growth rate and profit margin of a SaaS company should equal or exceed 40%. Any business above the margin is regarded as profitable. Otherwise, you need to reduce unnecessary expenses and create avenues for more income.
How does SaaS budgeting impact growth and profitability?
- 明智地分配资源: 您可以将资金投入到更需要资金的领域,如市场营销和产品开发。
- 控制支出: 由于资金被分配到特定领域,因此可以限制计划外支出。
- 做出数据驱动的决策: 使用您的财务 SaaS 指标 to determine your level of profitability and identify areas for improvement.
No SaaS business can be sustained without effective budgeting and cost control. By applying strategies to manage resources and slash costs, your company’s financial health is secured and you can plan for future endeavors.