

发布时间: 2024年8月29日

最后更新: 11月 26, 2024


What is the SaaS marketplace model?


其他选择: 一些市场可能会采用结合多种收入来源的混合商业策略。

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What is the difference between a marketplace and e-commerce?

A single company sells its own items directly to customers in an e-commerce model, but a marketplace accommodates numerous independent vendors providing a wide variety of goods or services. Consider an online marketplace as a single brand store and e-commerce as a sizable shopping center.

What are the three main types of marketplace revenue models?

三种类型的 SaaS 收入模式 对于市场来说是: 

  • Commission-based: For every completed transaction, the marketplace keeps a portion of the money.
  • 基于订阅的: To offer their goods or services, sellers must pay a certain monthly or yearly charge.
  • Listing Fee: Every time a seller lists a new good or service, they are billed a fee.


Although there are many SaaS companies that employ this revenue model, the following four are the most well-known ones:

  • Amazon is an online marketplace that provides a wide range of products from independent merchants.
  • Etsy: Specializes in handmade goods.
  • Airbnb: Links vacationers with worldwide hosts who offer short-term rentals.
  • Upwork:一个为独立承包商提供的平台,服务范围涵盖从软件开发到写作和设计等各个领域。



  • 品牌覆盖:一旦成为市场的一部分,卖家就可以接触到来自各个细分市场的客户。
  • 可扩展性:市场可以吸引不同的卖家,从而扩大他们的网络。
  • Reduced expenses (对于供应商而言):市场平台处理不同的流程,如广告、运输、库存或网站创建和维护。
  • 用户社区:通过评论和互动,市场平台经常会营造一种社区感。


  • 您是否提供广泛吸引人的商品或服务?在市场平台上,那些可能吸引大量购买者的商品表现最佳。
  • Are you able to manage rivalry? Get ready to differentiate yourself from other vendors.
  • Are you able to meet the heightened demand? Make sure you are prepared for any volume that a marketplace may deliver.


With the marketplace revenue model, you can access customers from different segments and limit resource usage. You can determine if this method is the best fit for you by being aware of the various sorts, benefits, and factors.


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