SaaS Sales Tax in Ivory Coast: A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses

Ivory Coast, situated in West Africa, operates under a Value Added Tax (VAT) system established in 1998 to generate revenue and fuel economic growth. The standard VAT rate for goods and services, including Software as a Service (SaaS), is set at 18%. Currently, there are no reduced VAT rates or exemptions specifically applicable to digital services like SaaS. Businesses must adhere to established filing frequencies and payment deadlines to ensure compliance. For instance, companies with a turnover exceeding 500 million XOF are required to file VAT returns monthly, while those with a turnover below this threshold file quarterly. The payment deadline falls on the 20th of the month following the accounting period.

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Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast adopted a VAT system in 1998 to enhance revenue generation and support economic development.

Official government link: Direction Générale des Impôts


E-products and services VAT/Sales tax rate

Reduced tax rate product categories

No specific digital goods or services have reduced tax in Ivory Coast

Exempted product categories

No specific digital goods or services are exempt in Ivory Coast

Reverse charge mechanism for B2B sales


Tax ID validation required


When do you have to register

Once the threshold has been exceeded

Online registration possible


Local representative needed


Registration procedure

Companies that are not resident but have a permanent establishment in Ivory Coast are required to register for VAT. To do this, they must submit a specific application to the chief of the tax authority.

List of digital and electronic services liable for tax

Social networks;
Mobile applications, video games, and online games;
Software licensing, updates, and add-ons, including website filters and firewalls;
Search engine services;
Webcasts and webinars;
Online ads and affiliate marketing;
Cloud-based software and as-a-Service products, such as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS);
E-books, images, movies, and videos.


Penalties are applied for late registration, late payments and filing, error in filed VAT returns, any kind of fraud, and also company directors can be held personally liable for errors and omissions in VAT declarations.

Registration threshold

XOF 200 million USD 332.000

Filing interval

Monthly: turnover above XOF 500 million
Quarterly: turnover less than XOF 500 million

Filing deadline

By the 20th of the month following the accounting period

E-invoicing requirements

Not specified

Record keeping

Non-resident companies providing digital services in Ivory Coast are required to retain their accounting documents, including invoices, accounting records, legal documents, and so on, for a span of 6 years. These documents must be stored and should be accessible for inspection upon the Ivory Coast tax authorities’ request.

Effortless Subscription Management and Billing

Compliance Requirements and Record Keeping for SaaS Businesses

Non-resident companies offering SaaS services in Ivory Coast face specific record-keeping requirements. These companies must meticulously maintain accounting documents, including invoices, accounting records, legal documents, and other relevant materials, for a period of 6 years. This information should be readily accessible for potential inspection by the Ivorian tax authorities. While e-invoicing is not yet mandatory, adopting this practice can streamline the compliance process and ensure accurate record-keeping. Consulting with experienced tax professionals is strongly recommended to navigate the complexities of Ivorian VAT regulations and ensure adherence to all requirements.

Multi-currency support

Best Practices for Managing SaaS VAT in Ivory Coast

For businesses operating in Ivory Coast’s SaaS market, staying informed about VAT regulations and implementing proactive measures is crucial. Regularly consulting official sources and seeking expert guidance from tax professionals can help businesses avoid potential penalties and ensure compliance. Additionally, adopting solutions like automated tax software can streamline VAT calculations, filing, and reporting, making the process more efficient and less prone to errors. It is also advisable to maintain open communication with customers regarding any potential VAT implications on their SaaS subscriptions, ensuring transparency and clarity.

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