Value-Added Tax (VAT) in Hungary: A Guide for SaaS and Digital Services

Hungary implemented a Value-Added Tax (VAT) system in 1988, aiming to enhance tax compliance and generate revenue. The standard VAT rate applicable to SaaS and other digital services in Hungary is 27%. However, a reduced rate of 5% may apply to specific categories of goods or services. Certain educational and cultural services, for instance, could be exempt from VAT.

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Hungary implemented a VAT system in 1988, focusing on improving tax compliance and revenue generation.

Official government link: National Tax and Customs Administration


E-products and services VAT/Sales tax rate


Reduced tax rate

Reduced tax rate product categories

Audiobooks, e-books and newspapers have reduced tax

Exempted product categories

Certain educational services and specific cultural services may be exempt from VAT.

Reverse charge mechanism for B2B sales


Tax ID validation required


When do you have to register

Non-resident companies have to register as soon as goods are being delivered or services are being provided

Online registration possible


Local representative needed

Not mandatory

Registration procedure

New users should select the “Union Scheme” option, while established taxable persons should choose the “non-Union Scheme” option. To register on Hungary’s MOSS Portal, the company must provide its full name and identification number. Upon successful registration, they will receive an email with an activation link, allowing them to access the MOSS portal using their email and password.

For taxable persons not established in the EU (non-Union scheme), the following information is required:

Company name and trading name (if different)
Full postal address, email address, and website
Name and phone number of the contact person
BIC number
National tax number (if applicable)
Country of business establishment
IBAN or OBAN number
An electronic declaration confirming the business is not registered for VAT within the EU
Date of commencement of using the scheme

List of digital and electronic services liable for tax

E-books, images, movies, and videos, whether purchased from platforms like Shopify or accessed through services like Netflix, are typically classified as “Audio, visual, or audio-visual products” in tax terminology. Downloadable and streaming music, whether buying an MP3 or using services like SoundCloud or Spotify, also fall into the audio category.

This category further includes cloud-based software and as-a-Service products, such as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). Additionally, it covers websites, site hosting services, internet service providers, online ads, and affiliate marketing.


Late Filing Penalties:
A fine up to HUF 500,000 (approximately €1,406) may be imposed for failing to file a VAT return or for late submission. This penalty can apply per tax return.
Incorrect Returns:
If a VAT return is incomplete or incorrect, a penalty of up to HUF 100,000 (about €270) may be charged.
Late Payment Penalties:
Interest on late VAT payments is calculated daily, based on the central bank lending rate plus 5 percentage points, divided by 365. If the tax authority discovers a tax liability during an audit, a penalty of 50% of the tax due may be imposed on the taxpayer.
For non-registration or late registration, a default penalty up to HUF 500,000 can be applied.
Risky Taxpayers:
Additional penalties may apply to risky taxpayers, which can be up to 150% of the general late payment interest rate.

Registration threshold

No threshold, non-resident companies must register for VAT

Filing interval


Filing deadline

By the 20th day of the month following the reporting period

E-invoicing requirements


Record keeping

You need to maintain the records for 10 years after selling the service, and be prepared to provide them if requested.

Effortless Subscription Management and Billing

Key Regulations for Businesses

Businesses must comply with specific regulations regarding SaaS sales tax in Hungary. VAT returns are filed quarterly, with payments due by the 20th day of the following month. Additionally, records related to the sale of services must be maintained for 10 years and provided upon request. E-invoicing is mandatory in Hungary, ensuring efficient and secure documentation of transactions.

Multi-currency support

SaaS VAT Compliance in Hungary: Expert Guidance and Streamlined Processes

To effectively manage SaaS VAT compliance in Hungary, it’s essential to seek guidance from tax professionals. They can assist with accurate VAT calculations, filing procedures, and adherence to record-keeping requirements. Additionally, implementing e-invoicing solutions can streamline the process and ensure compliance. By following these recommendations and staying informed of any changes, businesses can navigate the complexities of SaaS sales tax in Hungary.

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