SaaS Sales Tax in United Kingdom: A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses

The United Kingdom’s Value Added Tax (VAT) system has been in operation since 1973, playing a crucial role in modernizing tax administration and aligning with EU regulations. When it comes to SaaS products, the standard VAT rate currently stands at 20%. Interestingly, there are no specific digital goods or services exempt from VAT in the UK, unlike in some other countries.

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United Kingdom

United Kingdom implemented a VAT system in 1973 to modernize its tax administration and align with EU regulations.

Official government link: HM Revenue & Customs


E-products and services VAT/Sales tax rate


Reduced tax rate

Reduced tax rate product categories

Some educational services deemed essential may be zero rated

Exempted product categories

No specific digital goods or services are exempt

Reverse charge mechanism for B2B sales


Tax ID validation required


When do you have to register

Registration must be done after the first B2C sale

Online registration possible


Local representative needed


Registration procedure

To register, you must first create a personal account on the tax department’s website and submit an online application. Typically, the application is reviewed within 30 days. Following this, the Tax Team might request additional documents or information.

List of digital and electronic services liable for tax

Provision of images or text, including photos, screensavers, e-books, and other digitized documents like PDF files.
Provision of music, films, and games, including gambling and chance games, as well as on-demand programs.
Online magazines.
Website supply or web hosting services.
Remote maintenance of programs and equipment.
Provision of software and software updates.
Advertising space on a website.


In the UK, VAT penalties have undergone changes effective January 1, 2023, with the introduction of a points-based system for late VAT return submissions, where 1 point is accrued for each missed deadline, leading to a £200 penalty once the points threshold is reached (2 points for annual, 4 for quarterly, 5 for monthly returns), with points expiring after a specified compliance period (24 months for annual, 12 for quarterly, 6 for monthly returns) if no further penalties are incurred; late VAT payments also incur penalties in two stages – a fixed penalty and daily penalties, although HMRC has indicated a ‘light touch’ approach until December 31, 2023 to allow for familiarization with the new system, while businesses can appeal penalties within 30 days by proving a ‘reasonable excuse’ for the late filing or payment.

Registration threshold

No threshold, non-resident companies must register for VAT

Filing interval


Filing deadline

A month and 7 days after the end of an accounting period

E-invoicing requirements

Not mandatory

Record keeping

VAT records must be kept for at least 6 years

Effortless Subscription Management and Billing

UK SaaS and VAT: Quarterly Returns and Payments

For businesses operating in the UK SaaS market, complying with VAT regulations can seem complex. Fortunately, the process is relatively straightforward with the right information. VAT returns must be filed quarterly, and payments are due a month and 7 days after the end of each accounting period.

Multi-currency support

Mastering VAT Records and Embracing E-Invoicing for Efficiency

Additionally, businesses are required to keep detailed VAT records for at least 6 years. While e-invoicing is not yet mandatory in the UK, it is highly recommended for streamlining VAT compliance and reducing administrative burden.

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