按地区划分的税率 Lithuania

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SaaS Sales Tax in Lithuania: A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses

As a dynamic European market, Lithuania presents exciting opportunities for SaaS businesses. Understanding the VAT landscape is crucial for navigating these opportunities effectively. Here’s a comprehensive overview of SaaS sales tax in Lithuania, providing insights into key regulations, compliance requirements, and best practices.

In Lithuania, SaaS sales tax adheres to the EU VAT system, implemented in 2004 to ensure streamlined tax collection and improved compliance. The standard VAT rate for SaaS services is 21%, mirroring the majority of EU countries. Notably, certain categories of educational services may be exempt from VAT, providing valuable opportunities for businesses catering to this specific market segment. For other categories, a reduced rate of 9% may apply, depending on the nature of the services offered.



Lithuania implemented the EU VAT system in 2004, focusing on improving tax compliance and efficiency.

Official government link: VMI


E-products and services VAT/Sales tax rate


Reduced tax rate


E-books and other electronic publications have reduced rate


Some educational services may be exempt

Reverse charge mechanism for B2B sales


Tax ID validation required


When do you have to register

Non-resident companies have to register as soon as goods are being delivered or services are being provided



Local representative needed



To register, you need to complete a registration application. This involves providing the following details about the company in the designated application form:

Comprehensive information about the company.
The company’s name, trading name (if applicable), full postal address, email address, and website of the taxable person, along with the name and phone number of the contact person.
国际银行账号 (IBAN) 或 OBAN 号码以及银行识别码 (BIC)。
The date of commencement of using the scheme.
If the documents are in a language other than the official Lithuanian, they must be accompanied by a translation, signed and sealed by the translator.

List of digital and electronic services liable for tax

Electronic books, images, movies, and videos, whether purchased from platforms like Shopify or accessed through services such as Amazon Prime, are categorized in tax materials as “Audio, visual, or audiovisual products.”
Downloadable and streaming music, whether buying an MP3 or using music services.
Cloud-based software and as-a-Service products, including SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS.
Websites, hosting services, and Internet service providers.
Online advertisements and affiliate marketing.


Businesses that fail to submit VAT returns by the deadline may incur a penalty, typically calculated as a percentage of the unpaid tax amount. If VAT is not paid by the due date, interest may accrue on the outstanding amount, with the rate set by the tax authority. Businesses required to register for VAT but fail to do so may face fines, varying based on circumstances and duration of non-compliance. Incorrect VAT reporting can result in penalties, including fines and the obligation to pay any additional tax owed. In addition to financial penalties, businesses may face administrative penalties, such as warnings or other actions by the tax authority. Severe tax evasion or fraud can lead to criminal penalties, including fines and imprisonment.

Registration threshold

No threshold, non-resident companies must register for VAT

Filing interval


Filing deadline

Within 25 days after the end of the period

E-invoicing requirements



相关文件必须至少保存 10 年



在立陶宛遵守 SaaS 销售税法规需要透彻了解申报频率和付款截止日期。企业有义务每月提交增值税申报表,确保准确报告和及时付款。增值税付款的截止日期是报告期结束后 25 天内。此外,企业必须至少保存 10 年的完整记录,包括发票、收据以及任何其他支持增值税计算的相关文件。立陶宛已将电子发票作为强制性要求,进一步简化了合规流程并提高了透明度。采用电子发票解决方案可以显著减轻 SaaS 企业的管理负担并提高效率。


立陶宛的 SaaS 销售税最佳实践

在立陶宛积极管理 SaaS 销售税对于确保业务连续性和最大化财务绩效至关重要。强烈建议咨询经验丰富的税务专业人士,尤其是在初始设置阶段。税务专业人士可以为企业提供有关如何应对复杂法规、确保准确合规和优化税务效率的宝贵指导。及时了解不断变化的法规和政策变化至关重要,因为立陶宛正积极寻求使其税收框架与欧盟指令和全球最佳实践保持一致。通过采取积极主动的方法,SaaS 企业可以自信地在立陶宛市场中运营,并在欧盟充满活力的经济环境中实现可持续增长。


